
Total Cluster Averted

Sorry for the long breaks between posts, life is hectic. I'm on OB which was been a great rotation overall. The other day, though, there was an interesting situation that could've turned out badly.

We were called to the post-partum floor for a woman who was having an (air quotes)allergic reaction(air quotes) after having some percocet. She was complaining of trouble breathing and tongue swelling. Her tongue did seem swollen and she did sound a bit stridorous but I could hear her talking from the hallway and she was moving air well. Blood pressures were high, not low as they would be in anaphylactic shock. Her O2 saturation was 100% the whole time. She was given 50 mg of Benadryl.

It got interesting when the OB and the anesthesia resident disagreed. OB didn't think the patient was anaphylactic--neither did I, frankly--but was more concerned about the airway. Anesthesia was worried about an epidural hematoma from the spinal anesthesia. Management differed. Anesthesia wanted an MRI, STAT (ha, I thought at first) which I managed to actually get within 15 minutes, yay me.

So the OB attending asked me to go with the patient to the scanner. Now, I didn't think the patient was in shock, but the MRI was fifteen minutes away through a maze of corridors. So here I was, wheeling this patient through the hallway with nothing but a bag-valve mask and a portable O2 monitor. So?

Well, in retrospect, that could've been a total disaster (especially since we went right past the cafeteria, which has giant glass windows). What's the treatment for anaphylaxis? Epi and airway. Did I have an airway? No. If she were to swell up? Bag-valve mask wouldn't work. I'd be doing impossible CPR on a pregnant lady in front of the whole cafeteria. IF WE THOUGHT SHE HAD AN AIRWAY ISSUE, SHE NEVER SHOULD'VE GONE TO THE SCANNER.

Nothing happened. She could'nt get the scan becuase she was claustrophobic and there wasn't a nurse and the anesthesia attending didn't want the scan anyway, so we just wheeled her back. But the important lesson was to make a decision about the plan and stick to it. The half-assed business of getting a scan but sending an Intern with a bag-valve mask with her--well, that could've been horrific. In the ED with all resources around me, frank shock would be a challenge for me right now. In the hallway?

1 comment:

PGYx said...

Wow. I'm glad things worked out well, but it's easy to see how it could have gone another way.

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